Valiant | Est. 2008

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Key Tenets of Investing

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Be long-term patient investors

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Make investments based on stock-picking, not market calls

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Opportunistic, global approach, sector agnostic

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Own great businesses that can compound capital

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Strong alignment of interests with our investors

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Consistent net exposure close to market neutral

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Limit the size of the funds

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Innovative approach to hedge fund fees

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Tax efficient

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Characteristics of Companies We Seek to Own

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Exceptional Management Team focused on ROIC

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Strong Product/Service Offering

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Business Models with High ROEs

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Solid Capital Structure and/or Minimal Leverage

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Sizeable TAM with Few Impediments to Growth

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Sustainable Barriers to Entry/Competitive Advantages

Investment Team

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Rishi Dixit

Investment Partner

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Graham Goulet

Investment Partner

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Marcus Guastella


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Alex Haak


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Chris Hansen

Founder and Portfolio Manager

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Brian Holmquest

Investment Partner

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Danny Karubian

Investment Partner

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Johann de Sousa

Investment Partner

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